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Great Wall of China Webcam Live


The Great Wall of China is a border defense structure built in northern China during the Ming Dynasty. The complex was built in sections at different times during the Ming Dynasty using different construction techniques. From the second half of the 16th century, the large, accessible walls north of Beijing form the iconic image of the Great Wall and have become a symbol of China. In other parts, especially in the west, the walls were generally built of mud. The length of the protection system was specified as 6260 kilometers.

Great Wall of China Webcam Live

Pekin Simatai Great Wall of China
The Simatai section of the Great Wall of China in the northeast of Beijing is one of the rare untouched parts of the iconic building, which is the symbol of the country, that preserves its historical texture.

Huanghuacheng Water Great Wall of China
Huanghuacheng Su Great Wall of China is located in Huairou, Beijing. It is the only scenic spot in Beijing where the Great Wall connects to the water. Also known as the “Great Wall by Boat”.



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